Showing posts with label #everyday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #everyday. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A Few tips to keeping a daily routine

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Routines can be so exact for a creative free spirit like myself, but they can also be very effective when coming into a new role, Like that of a college student,new mom or new business owner for example.

 I like to start with what gives me peace and joy. I read encouraging short but sweet messages that affirm who I am and my faith in God. This helps me start my day positively, so I can face whatever the day brings ....I’m  not saying my day goes on without any letdowns or interruptions ....I'm simply saying I handle each hurdle with a better attitude.

Mind over matter is super important to me on those days when I know I have nothing planned. My first thought is "I have nothing to do" when in fact I have plenty that I can work on during this free time. I know having a daily routine helps me to be more flexible when my goals for the day changes because something happens unplanned.

Here are some tips to get you started.

Start with what's most important, save the lightweight stuff for last. Have fun with the plan! if your routine seems to strict there is a good chance you may not stick to it.

Next simplify your list, if you can do without it in your routine than don't! Why overload your responsibilities just because you can...

and Last but not least go for the gold! You have set you goals, now take your time to reach for it and do your best.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Simple Skincare Routine and Gentle Cleansers Reviews

Hello again, 
I know it has been a while so for this I apologize....really I have no excuses (imagine my head down) But I know based on the title you know this is a skin care post so lets get into it already

My skincare routine is quite simple because I like it that way. As a busy woman I know the need to prioritize and make the most of my time. So this regimen is on those days I need to go fast.But first lets talk a little about the two featured cleansers: Equate beauty Gentle Skin Cleanser and Cerave Hydration Cleanser.

Equate Beauty Gentle Skin Cleanser, 16 fl ozFirst I start with a gentle moisturizing cleanser, I like to rotate between these two cleansers , The first is Equate beauty Gentle Skin Cleanser you can find this face wash at your local walmart or; it's cost depends on where you purchase it from. I purchased my bottle at a "Neighborhood Walmart" priced at $6.74 for a 16oz bottle. The other cleanser is Cerave Hydration Cleanser, I first tried this product through a sample sent to me by mail and upon request, samples are always a good way to try new beauty product before you buy. I know the cost for this face cleanser also varies by the retailer and of course you can get it also on for the cost of $7.39.

CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser 12oz
Equate beauty is a "Walmart" store brand and even with all the strides made with store produced beauty products and other wise, one can still be taking a chance ...but I guess you are taking a chance on any new product you use for the first time. I want to say this was a good buy. I love the light texture of this facial cleanser and how is leaves my skin feeling like my normal skin. Not like some other cleansers that have left my skin feeling dry, tight and very thirsty for some moisturiser.

Next is Cerave Hydrating Cleanser and I know it's not a gentle cleanser by name but I chose to put this cleanser in my review because it is very gentle on the skin and hydrating at the same time. I appreciate the creamy consistency of this cleanser and I can feel the soft results on my skin after every use.If I had to choose one as best, it would be Cerave Hydrating Cleanser all the way. 

First I wet my face with cool water next I add in one of the two cleansers and smooth the cleanser over my face and neck area soon after I use a facial mitten to gently massage the cleanser into me skin ,I rise and repeat if I want to. Just that simple! I follow up with Cerave moisturizing cream or coconut oil. I don't use a toner every time I wash my face but when I do I use apple cider vinegar and rose water, sometimes I use the two together other times I just use one or the other.  

Thanks for stopping by,I hope I helped in some way to choose the right cleanser for you. 


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