Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Ways to stay driven when you have no moral support.

When you are considering doing something no one in your family or inner circle has ever done you may meet some resistance. Sometimes this resistance comes from the mindset that this attempt to do whatever it is you desire to do will fail simply because they(the non-supporters) have  never tried or never knew anyone who succeed in "That Thing" you do.

The Bible says "As a man thinketh so is he" (Psalms 23:7) Keep the dreams you have for yourself close to heart don't let anyone's words change how you see yourself and future,

(Proverbs 18:21)  also says "The power of Life and Death is in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit” Your mindset makes all the difference in your life keep good thoughts about your life even if your situation does not reflect them.  

So consider a visionary board to stay inspired everyday to reach your goals, A dream journal to record your progress, it is a great feeling to see your journey to success in writings in notes on ideas and pictures,

Smile! this action helps you think of happy thoughts and good things( Philippians 4:8),

Meditate on the life you want for your self some people call it day dreaming but who cares ie: don't do this in public settings school work etc lol.

Thanks for stopping by- Crystal Bea

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day (A few things motherhood taught me)

Happy Mother"s Day everyone I hope you are enjoying your day...whither your Mom or not if you have a mom or a motherly figure than you can appreciate the importance of this day.

 Here are a few things motherhood has taught me. .........
1. Love me more! People treat you how you treat you. Show the world you have standard and that's important to who you are..

2. Don't settle! Sometimes life gets really bad but the will to hold on will produce perseverance, so dream big and know your child is taking note of this.   

3.Be the example! my life my choices be the peacemaker, always learning and of joyful spirit. 

4.One of the most important was when I had my son Joshua. I was told through my faith in the Lord that I had as much to teach him as his father did l. You see i had an common idea that only fathers can truly teach a son how to be a man, but the truth is I have to actively sow the values and beliefs that are important to developing his character.

I hope your Mother's day is filled with joy 
-Crystal Beamon  

Sunday, December 8, 2013

New Beginnings

Hello There, Thanks for visiting my new blog today! "Crystal's View from here" is just an outlet for me to express the ideas I have and write about  the things and people I love. Enjoy and stay turn
Fellow blogger-Crystal Bea

Lane Bryant Giveaway

Thinking about a new wardobe for the New Year! ? Like gift card giveaways?  If your answer was YES  Enter by clicking the link below ...